Keep up to date with all things postgraduate with Postgrad Perspectives

2024 saw the start of our regular HEI news bulletin Postgrad Perspectives, specifically written for marketing professionals in HE PG recruitment

Topics covered to date include:

* What do recent international student policies mean for PG student recruiters?

* Crafting tailor-made marketing strategies for the growing mature PG student market

* HEI web profiles – how to stand out from the crowd

* Recruiting postgraduate students from Africa

* New ways to recruit Chinese postgraduate students

* Recruiting Marshall Scholars for 2025: how basic changes could mean more applications immediately!

* Capitalise on the increased interest in PG business courses

* UK university recruitment success with students from the Gulf region

* How to attract more Chevening Scholars to your institution

* What is the impact of Australia’s recent student visa cost increase?

In case you, or members of your team, have missed any of these issues, downloadable PDFs are hosted on our corporate site.

Make sure your team and colleagues stay updated and stop the need to forward these bulletins on by signing up key members of your team and we'll ensure they receive our informative Postgrad Perspectives newsletter. Please don’t worry if you are unsure if they are already on our database, we will dedupe all records so there will be no doubling up.

Privacy: Your data is safe with us, email address will only be used for Postgrad Perspectives communications and are covered by data protection. We send out a maximum of two client communications per month, so you won’t get swamped with unwanted comms hitting your email box.