Chevening Scholarship applications open soon – please check your PG course data is up to date

Chevening Scholarship applications for 2022 are opening on Tuesday 2nd August and will stay open until Tuesday 1st November. This means potential students wishing to start at your institution in Autumn 2023 will be searching for their perfect postgrad program imminently.

Since partnering with Chevening in 2015, Postgrad Solutions has run a course search facility on allowing students to research their ideal scholarship course whilst remaining on the Chevening website. Find A Course is a subset of the course search data, and has in excess of 500,000 potential Chevening scholars using it every year! This data also powers the course options listed on the online Chevening application form.

The raw data we use to facilitate the scholarship search comes from UCAS, and to ensure that you recruit the maximum number of international students via Chevening, it’s essential that you check that the PG data your HEI has supplied to UCAS in their collection tool is up to date – failure to do so may prevent a future scholar applying for one of your courses.

It is also really important that you ensure that none of your course data is paused or removed from the UCAS collection tool during the application period without being immediately updated with the latest version, otherwise your course will fall off the live feed to the application form and search facility. Please ensure this information is passed on directly to the person or team at your institution in charge of keeping your PG course listings up to date with UCAS.

If you would like support managing your course listings in the UCAS collection tool, please contact

We can offer assistance to liaise with UCAS – please contact if you would like to discuss any of the above in more detail.

And don't forget, if you are interested in profiling your HEI to more high calibre Chevening Scholars, we're here to help – please contact for more information.

Contact us for more information