Make sure your students know about this great new opportunity to fund their PG studies
It's no secret that we are passionate about all things postgraduate, and as part of our commitment to PG study we have increased investment into our Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries to £10,000. This means we are now offering 20 new postgraduate bursaries worth £500 each to help PG students fund their studies in the upcoming academic year.
To enable your students to take advantage of this great new funding opportunity please add details of our 20 new bursaries to your funding pages by doing one of the following:
1. Add our bursary link – Postgrad Solutions Study Bursaries – to your university, faculty or department funding pages.
2. Pop up a short news story about our x20 new bursaries on your faculty or departmental news pages – please contact for a news story created specifically for your institution.
3. Add a brief FB post using the following information:
If you are looking for help to fund your postgraduate program you can apply for a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500. There are x20 bursaries for postgraduate students starting their studies in autumn/fall 2021 or January 2022. Find out more and apply here >