The LLMstudy Tribune is our regular newsletter that is sent out directly to our postgraduate law student database. This market-leading LLM-focussed newsletter has been designed as a result of student focus groups and contains essential objective
LLM and postgraduate law related editorial together with relevant client advertising.
Targeting quality LLM students
The LLMstudy Tribune is specifically targeted at our database of potential LLM students, of which we have over 10,000.
All of the content in our regular newsletter is LLM-related to ensure it hits the spot with our target audience.
As far as we know it is unique in its quality and style, and it has been a big hit with our postgraduate law students.
Only students using can sign up to join our student services membership – so they really do want to hear about your law school.
We never buy external data lists to merge with our data. Our database is 100% unique and you can only target these students via us.
We systematically clean the data every month so any student who has been on our list longer than 24 months is automatically removed. We like quality not quantity.
The database spans over 160 countries and is great to help you recruit postgraduate law students from a wide range of nationalities.
Our open rates are exceptional, averaging at over 15% per send, a strong indication of the quality of our data.
The LLMstudy Tribune keeps all of our student members up to date with the latest LLM and postgraduate law funding information, new LLM courses, application deadlines and all other academic aspects. Our law school clients have the opportunity to buy a slot in these newsletters for their own news story which will sit alongside our own core, cutting-edge postgraduate law editorial content and advice. Each issue of the LLMstudy Tribune has a lead theme – which is listed in the schedule below – and there is also a section for more generic promotional stories, so we can work with your schedules too.
Here are some previous issues of the LLMstudy Tribune for you to download and take a look at:
The LLMstudy Tribune is regularly sent out to all 10,000 students on our postgraduate law student database. Each issue has a different LLM-related focus, from subject specific issues such as Studying an LLM in International Law, to targeted geographical areas such as the USA or the UK. Each issue of the LLMstudy Tribune is well suited to UK, EU and international student recruitment.
scheduled topics for 2025
February 2025 – Study in the USA
June 2025 – Study in the USA
October 2025 – Study in the USA