Our partnership with Chevening was established in 2015 to enable our clients to directly access high quality, international postgraduate students and to provide potential scholars with a bespoke, easy to access, course search.

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Chevening is the UK government’s global masters scholarship program funded by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO). Every year it offers exceptional postgraduate students from all over the world a unique opportunity by funding them to study in the UK and become future leaders, influencers and decision-makers. This enables students that may not otherwise have had this opportunity to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.

Chevening Scholars have ambition and leadership potential, a strong academic background, and an excellent record of rising to prominent positions in their countries. Since this academic awards program was launched 35 years ago, Chevening has awarded an estimated 50,000 scholarships.

our CHEVENING partnership

In 2015, Chevening launched a new service on their website where students can research a course whilst remaining on the Chevening website without having to search on other resources. The ‘Find A Course’ page was launched in July of that year, containing a course search facility that is powered by Postgrad.com and is a subset of the Postgrad.com course search data. We have incorporated a sophisticated filter on the data to show only courses that qualify for Chevening Scholarships to help the student in this key, research phase. This course data is also used on the official Chevening application form. The data is fully comprehensive and includes all qualifying UK HEIs.

Since our partnership was formed in 2015, over 500,000 students have used this comprehensive UK course search facility every year. These students are not just future scholars but also encompass a range of international students who are serious about studying in the UK. If you are a Postgrad.com advertiser you will automatically have unique access to this amazing group of students ensuring you maximum ROI.  

David Osei, the Communications Manager at Chevening, explains the integral workings of our prestigious partnership further. He explains, “Having the ability to easily sift through thousands of courses in order to arrive at those that best match our applicants’ ambitions is a huge benefit to the program. The tools and processes developed in conjunction with Postgrad Solutions have enriched our applicants’ experience, and this is evidenced by the course finder page being the second most popular page on our website during the application period last year.”

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This is a key development for our site and one our students love. It ensures the Chevening site is a one-stop shop for our students and it will encourage those students applying for a scholarship to consider a wide range of UK institutions before making their final decision. Postgrad Solutions have been fantastic to
work with.

David Osei
Communications Manager, Chevening